12 June 2012

An Open Letter to Slacker Radio Regarding Recent Advertising Practices

An Open Letter to @Slacker Radio Regarding Recent Advertising Practices.

Dear Slackers,
I have two advertising-related complaints.

1) PLEASE tell me you are not responsible for the full-screen ad (or something) that appeared on my android screen this evening while I was listening to Slacker Radio. The window came up saying something to the effect of, "Congratulations! You are the first US listener selected for a free gift from moblinks[dot]org. Click OK to claim your prize!"

There was NO way that I could see to get away from that pop-up. I could not use my "back" arrow button, there was no little "closing X" on it. I went to my home screen then back again and it was still there. I went into Settings >Applications and killed the Slacker process, and nothing.  I finally resorted to powering off my phone and doing a hard boot.

If this is a Slacker-sanctioned advertisement, I do not like it at all. If this is the kind of advertising that your company will accept, then I will no longer listen to Slacker Radio and I will see to avoid known advertisers using these techniques.

Including (2) the new Pier 1 ad that SAYS MY NAME?!? I know you collect user data. I understand this data is used by the company and advertisers to target advertising.  However, hearing the advertisement say my name (which is NOT a common name. I know it is not a coincidence) crosses a line.  It feels like a huge violation of privacy for  an advertisement to pull my name from my data and into the script.  Yes, that Pier 1 ad got my attention ... in a very negative way.  (What did the real focus group think of the concept?)  If there is a way to opt-out of this kind of use of my personal information, I want to know about it.  If there is not a way to opt-out, then again, I think I will need to take my ears elsewhere.

Thank you for your consideration.

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