
Hello! My name is Leigh, and this is my blog. I have lots of ways to define myself: fourtysomething, wife, Mom, sister, daughter ... and runner.  That last one is fairly recent and currently near the top of the list for describing myself.

I started this in 2008 as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, primarily with updates about my daughter. (Online, I shall refer to her as Deedle.)  Once I joined Facebook, this fell by the wayside.  Now, thanks to running, I have resurrected my blog! One thing I did to populate the blog for the last 5 years is copy my "notes" out of Facebook and put them in here.

Every blogger worth their salt has to have a catchy name. I came up with one by accident. This is the story -- A popular game in our house is to spell a "Word of the Day" using the magnetic letters on the fridge.  Well after my big running event, I spelled ULTRA. Then I was inspired to add "M O M" to it ... ULTRAMOM! And thus, a name is born.

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