03 October 2011

* Don't Quit *

* Don't Quit * 

Don't quit when the tide is lowest, 
For it's just about to turn; 
Don't quit over doubts and questions, 
For there's something you may learn. 

Don't quit when the night is darkest, 
For it's just a while 'til dawn; 
Don't quit when you've run the farthest, 
For the race is almost won. 

Don't quit when the hill is steepest, 
For your goal is almost nigh; 
Don't quit, for you're not a failure 
Until you fail to try 

- Jill Wolf 

28 September 2011

"My Closet"

by "Smittyinthesun2"

There a place in my closet where my clothes used to be
The big ones, the small ones, and the ones that fit me.
The big ones, I’m going to give away
To help a brother, who’s in need – Today.

The small ones I’m working to fit in once more
So I don’t have to go shopping, at the Big and Tall Store.
The ones that fit, are okay for me.
I’m down 80 pounds, many people can see.

So back to the gym, I got to do more
There a new suit I want to buy, at the Regular Men’s Store.
More miles on the treadmill and laps in pool.
When I hit my goal weight, it will be very cool.

No pizza or candy or chips or pop
I’m making this happen, I ain’t gonna stop!
So put down that remote, stop watching TV
Come to the gym and walk 2 miles with me.

You pants will be smaller, and you’ll sleep better to
I’m like a Doctor; I got the right prescription for you.
So remember your closet where your clothes used to be
Exercise is a miracle, it will set you free.

07 September 2011


I AM A RUNNER because my runs have names. I do tempo runs and threshold runs and fartlek runs. I do long, slow runs and track workouts. My runs are defined, even if my abs are not.
I AM A RUNNER because my shoes are training equipment, not a fashion statement. The best shoe for me is the one that makes me a better runner. I choose the shoe that goes with my running mechanics, not my running outfit.

I AM A RUNNER because I don't have running outfits. I have technical shirts and shorts and socks. I have apparel that enhances the experience of running by allowing me to run comfortably. I can say "Coolmax" and "Gore-Tex" in the same sentence and know which does what.

I AM A RUNNER because I know what effort feels like, and I embrace it. I know when I'm pushing the limits of my comfort and why I'm doing it. I know that heavy breathing and an accelerated heart rate -- things I once avoided -- are necessary if I want to be a better runner.

I AM A RUNNER because I value and respect my body. It will whisper to me when I've done too much. And if I choose to listen to that whisper, my body won't have to scream in pain later on.

I AM A RUNNER because I am willing to lay it all on the line. I know that every finish line has the potential to lift my spirits to new highs or devastate me, yet I line up anyway.

I AM A RUNNER because I know that despite my best efforts, I will always want more from myself. I will always want to know my limits so that I can exceed them.

I AM A RUNNER because I run. Not because I run fast. Not because I run far.

I AM A RUNNER because I say I am. And no one can tell me I'm not.

(I did not write this. This is a re-post. ~ LEIGH)

14 March 2011

As serious as a ...

I'm starting to lose track of who knows what, between Phone calls and Facebook and the Grapevine...  So here is a Note to recap and update for posterity ...
In the wee hours of Wednesday, March 9th, Husband awoke feeling terrible and out of sorts. He said it felt like the worst indigestion he'd ever had. Given that we had Louisiana Hot Links for dinner the night before, it wasn't surprising. I sat up with him for a while, then went back to bed while he watched movies to see how it would play out.

At 7:00 in the morning, he woke me and said, let's go to the hospital. He was restless, short of breath, cool and clammy. When I asked him how he was feeling, he said the fateful words, "It feels like there is a band across my chest."  We all loaded into the car as quickly as we could, and drove to the ER.  On the way in, we called ahead to let them know we were coming in for symptoms of heart attack.

11 January 2011

Nutrition Seminar Take-aways

Nutrition Seminar Take-aways

So one of the "extras" that I get with signing up with my local Run/Walk group is the chance to attend free seminars. Last Friday (Jan 7, 11), I went to part one-of-two of a nutrition and weight loss clinic. It was VERY informative for a couple of reasons: 1) I found out I am actually well-informed about nutrition in general, and 2) I still learned a LOT!  I'm looking forward to part two this Friday.
I'd like to share what I learned. I am sure this information is widely available, it's just the first time I heard it. There is an actual calculation for figuring out the calories you need daily just to stay alive: the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)! Surprise! One must know their own personal number to find success with calorie-deficit dieting.

11 Step Program for those thinking of having kids

(Comment if you can attribute the source of this gem! ~ LEIGH)

Lesson 1
1. Go to the grocery store.
2. Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office.
3. Go home.
4. Pick up the paper.
5. Read it for the last time.

Lesson 2
Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who already are parents and berate them about their...
1. Methods of discipline.
2. Lack of patience.
3. Appallingly low tolerance levels.
4. Allowing their children to run wild.
5. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's breastfeeding, sleep habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall behavior.
Enjoy it because it will be the last time in your life you will have all the answers.

05 January 2011

2010 was SO bad ... (how bad was it?!)

Good riddance 2010!

It was a tough year, but I have made it!

But not everyone is as lucky as I am.  The economy is so bad that in today's mail I got a pre-declined credit card.

I ordered a burger at McDonald's, and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?"